Thursday, July 3, 2008

Swimming Lessons

One week to go still, but - Oh, what progress this year!
After three years of lessons, Dallin is finally enjoying the water. Our first year, he wouldn't go near the pool at all - screamed bloody murder the whole time. That really suprised me - I had no idea where it came from! Last summer, he got into the pool, but as soon as he had to try and swim, it was more of the same. This year I said, "all three sessions, please!" (The lessons are for two weeks each session) And now, nearing the end of the last session, he is really having a great time!
He's able to float on his back for 10 seconds (then he gets scared and moves...), he can kick with his arms stretched in front of him, he will even go into the "deep end" (the 5 feet), and when they do life jacket day, he can't wait to jump off the diving board! I'm not exactly calling him an Olympic hopeful, but this is progress I can be happy about!:)
A side note for those who have noticed - those are Jeannette Voelker's kids, along with Crystal Slaughter's (I can't remember her married name... ack!) son in the pics as well!


meghannamarie said...

Cute! I was wondering if those were Jeannettes kiddo's I hope your summer is being fun!

Megan said...

Nice to see you have a blog too! Saw you on Megan's blog and came over. I haven't seen pictures of your new little one except for newborn ones you had posted on facebook. She's getting so big! I didn't know Jeannette moved back to globe. Thats so fun that your kids get to play together!