Has it already been a year since she came to our family?! It's so hard to believe that! (Emory's actual birthday is tomorrow on the 8th, but tomorrow's full, and she's taking a good nap right now...) Well, the first year has been great - I remember that after we'd had her home a week, Randall and I were talking. We both said that in spite of how short a time we'd had her, it was hard to remember a time when she wasn't with us. She just fit right in, and there was no real "adjustment" for us at all. One year later, it's still the same. She just fits right in - although there has been a little more adjusting since then - mostly for me. Girls are so very different from boys! She reminds me of that nursery rhyme about the little girl with the curl on her forehead. "When she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad, she was awful." That's our little Emory. Nothing done half way for her - she's all in with whatever she's doing! But what a blessing she is for us, and how very happy we are that she's ours!
8 years ago